Five Cybersecurity Must-dos
I write this for my family and friends out of concern for their digital security…
The level of cybersecurity threats (hacks, phish, worms, and more) to business, academia, government is beyond belief. The Sony Hack has taken these threats to an entirely new and unacceptable level. Your personal systems are targets too! Imagine if we had people checking the doors of our homes and offices - and if not locked - walking right in and doing whatever they please. We would demand that our local, state and federal protection agencies start doing their job! We’d buy locks and be prudent about keeping the place secure. We’d be able to handle the times when strangers did get in.
Today, in cyberspace, we have this very situation. Bad guys are running all over our online properties and doing, for the most part, whatever they want. For reasons too complicated for this piece to cover, local, state and...